Requests to participate in selective tendering procedures may be submitted by telex, telegram or facsimile. 参加选择性招标程序的请求可通过电传、电报或传真提交。
An enterprise's application may be submitted by letter, telegram, telex, facsimile, electronic data interchange or e-mail, etc. 企业的申请可以通过信函、报、传、真、子数据交换和电子邮件等方式提出。
This contract may be executed simultaneously in two or more counterparts via telex or facsimile transmission, each of which shall be deemed as originals and legally binding. 传真和电传的合同副本(两份或多份)均视为有效版本,与原件同等对待并具有法律约束力。
At the business center, services including copying, typing telex and facsimile are available. 服务中心提供有诸如复印、打字、以及电传等服务。
Then the telegram was replaced by the telex machine, which was followed by the facsimile. 后来电报被电传机取代,后者又被传真机所取代。
Details of the drawee including full name, postal address, or the domicile at which presentation is to be made and if applicable telex, telephone and facsimile numbers. 付款人的详细资料,包括完整的名称、邮政地址、或者提示的地点,以及,如有的话,电传、电话和传真号码。
Overseas telex, cable, postage, facsimile and bank charges as incurred are chargeable to client. 海外电报、传真、邮寄快递费及银行付款产生的费用由客户承担。
The tender must be confirmed promptly by letter or by the despatch of a signed copy of the telex, telegram or facsimile. 投标书必须迅速通过信函或发出电传、电报或传真的签字副本予以确认。